

A visionary dedicated to creating meaningful change, inspiring hope, and transforming lives through selfless acts of generosity. With a heart for humanity and an unwavering commitment to making a difference





The Rescue Project / VISION 2020 BALL

Haven Hands




Fashion’s Heart



The Vision 2020 Campaign is an initiative of The Rescue Project that is set to raise $20M by the year 2020, with all proceeds going to aid over 200 million individuals in need all over the world. The Vision 2020 Campaign is the culmination of The Rescue Project’s goals and visions for the future, and is the fuel that is ensuring that the Rescue Project brings us to a better future.The Vision 2020 Project can be broken up into two aid categories: aid in Clean Water and Sanitation, and Eye Health.

Clean water scarcity and inadequate sanitation remain significant challenges in developing regions, often impacting women who spend hours retrieving water of poor quality. This contaminated water spreads diseases and harms crops, perpetuating cycles of hardship. Vision 2020 by The Rescue Project addresses these issues by providing immediate aid and building sustainable solutions, such as wells and proper latrines in areas like Sub-Saharan Africa, while also assisting local communities.

Eye health is something we all take for granted. It is something so basic and everyday for most of us, that we assume it is that way everywhere, but in developing countries it is anything but basic and everyday. Parasites and diseases spread through unclean water and improper sanitation, leading to widespread eye issues for many. These eye issues can cause tremendous problems, as many in developing countries rely on their eyesight to make a living. Children are especially affected by eye issues.

One of the slogans for the Vision 2020 Project is Now Eye See, which is both a mission statement as well as a promise. We work so that those who suffer from eye health issues all across the world can receive the care they need and can now see, as well as opening eyes of those all over the world to the tremendous issue that eyesight impairment can be, thus opening the eyes of those all over the world, in more ways than one.

Vision 2020 combats global eyesight impairment by focusing on prevention and early diagnosis. Through pop-up eye screening facilities in high-need areas and education on the dangers of untreated eyesight issues, Vision 2020 aims to safeguard vision worldwide. The initiative emphasizes that prevention is the best cure, working tirelessly to open eyes and improve lives, thus opening the eyes of those all over the world.

The Vision 2020 Campaign kicks off with a fundraising gala on November 20th in New York City, celebrating both the campaign launch and a milestone for Resk ‘Que. The event will bring together celebrities, physicians, fashion icons, and politicians to support the goal of raising $20 million by 2020. Join us at this pivotal event and contribute to Vision 2020 by purchasing a ticket or donating directly:

Your Generosity, Their Future – Empower Lives Through Giving.