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I am refueled. My hope is regained. Yesterday was a lesson. Tomorrow is still a mystery. Today is the present, I am reminded to enjoy this gift at this very moment. Nothing else matters.
- Resk 'Que


People don’t usually remember you, until they remember how YOU-NIQUE you look or how weird you are. Be different.
- Resk 'Que


Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it. Intelligence is knowing how to say it and when it's time to say it.
- Resk 'Que


Your test for patience comes when you have none left. What do you do then? Passing this test changes everything for the better. It’s like someone asking you for a dollar yet you don’t even have a dime.
- Resk 'Que


The best way to achieve your dreams is to first wake up, pray about it, write it down, draw a picture of it, post it on your wall, and take a step everyday towards your dream. The how will work itself out.
- Resk 'Que


You must be crazy enough to be YOU in this world of conformity.
- Resk 'Que


Do things for the love of it...the love will attract everything else to you.
- Resk 'Que


What’s Your Concept?
- Resk 'Que


Self control is the ultimate power, a true freedom, a must have skill. But it takes practice, like anything else. Until then, you are not truly free.
-Resk 'Que


At the end of it all, only one person matters more than the rest, YOU.
- Resk 'Que


If you can overcome yourself, your life battles are WON. Your worst enemy is within YOU.
- Resk 'Que


Until you find your concept, your life is incomplete.
– Resk 'Que


You bring about what you think about. You manifest what you believe.
– Resk 'Que


Knowledge is not power. It can, however, be power when put to work, but how useless is something you don’t use? The application of knowledge is powerful.
– Resk 'Que


Redeemer Reskque utilizes his marketing, business strategies, PR experience and relationship building skills to help empower other businesses and individuals. Through a vast network spanning all over the globe, Resk ’Que develops and builds brands in the most unique way possible.

With everything built from the ground up for each respective brand, his touch can help you understand your audience, define what your brand can be at its fullest, create one of a kind marketing solutions and improve every process of your business.

What you wear, eat or say does not make you a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a Buddhist or whatever your affiliated cult may be. What you do and practice daily, that which is second nature to you defines YOU. Above all else, love makes you a better person.

Resk ‘Que


A highly regarded and in demand speaker, Reskque energy and confidence are so infectious that Resk ‘Que has taken to speaking in the quest of motivating others. Reskque shares his unique style and outlook on life in the hopes of inspiring you to aspire to be better than you were yesterday.

While Resk ‘Que is proficient in many different subject areas, a few of his most focused and highly demanded categories include: Business, Lifestyle, Fashion, …


If Successful people have mentors, life coaches and guidance on their life journey, how can your life become with a LIFE GURU in your corner?

Join Reskque at his next symposium, take a journey with him into a different dimension, explore new philosophical heights from his upcoming book “SWAGGERISM, MY RELIGION“. Living, Loving & Learning. Live life with attitude of gratitude. Re-designing your life at its best with style, love and purpose.


<p”>Humbled by his hardworking upbringing in Africa, Redeemer Reskque knows the importance of giving a helping hand, and strives to accomplish that lofty goal anyway he can.

Love of Humanity can at times be a difficult goal, but Reskque believes that change starts with one, and does everything in his power to show that to the world.

Be true to yourself. Do only what you can. Promise what you can deliver (under promise and over deliver). Test your authenticity!

- Resk 'Que


The very definition of an entrepreneur, Reskque has gone leaps and bounds from his humble start of selling ice water in West Africa to becoming a force to be reckoned with in the world of business.

Reskque has selflessly devoted his blood, sweat and tears to help people the world over while he constructed a universally lauded brand and built a multi-million dollar business, laboring for many years to achieve everything based one prime directive: being wholly unique.

If someone is to do something to you, that could mean NOTHING. Unless you decide to give it a meaning. This then makes you get upset, feel pain or feel overjoyed. It’s all YOU. If you ignore it and give it no power or meaning, it’s still YOU. You have control over everything.

- Resk 'Que


Reskque has also ventured into the literary world with his upcoming book: Swaggerism, My Religion. This work is all about inspiration and finding a better way to define yourself in a world full of conformity…

When things are about to get better in your life almost everything else goes bad. So the next time you feel a breakdown, be in expectation of your breakthrough.

- Resk 'Que


A true philosopher at heart, Reskque is a modern day dreamer. One has to look no further than his trademark form of punctuation to get a taste of his one-of-a-kind philosophy: “What’s Your Concept?” Reskque is not your average Joe.

Have a word with him and you will be blown away by his love of wisdom. That very wisdom is attributed to self-education, life experience and the inspirations he derives from many other great philosophers from history, such as Plato, Aristotle and Descartes, but he doesn’t simply repeat their teachings and claim them for his own.

Make up your mind to succeed. It’s all within you. If you will, it WILL.

- Resk 'Que


Resk ‘Que is the pioneer and avant-garde executor of a multi-million dollar empire reaching through a vast network of industries. He is known for taking a business idea, conceptualizing it, executing it, and thriving on it.

Some of the roles he undertakes include: divining courses of action that will take brands to the next level, introducing style that can make anything stand out in a sea of mediocrity, and implementing experimental and trendsetting techniques to industries fearful of change.

You attract what you feel. If you feel happy you will attract more of that. If you feel sad, you will attract more of it. If you’re feeling prosperous, you become it. It’s all about how you feel, but you must feel it in your bones.

- Resk 'Que


A king at heart with an artist’s mind, Resk ‘Que knows firsthand the importance of the arts. Many of his projects and ventures deal with expanding the arts in our youth as well as the young at heart, as a mind that constantly learns is a mind that constantly expands. He knows that through the ASP/RE Festival that he can inspire people to take the arts more seriously.Resk ‘Que’s love for the arts knows no bounds. After a long day of work he unwinds with his love of painting and music…

When things are about to get better in your life almost everything else goes bad. So the next time you feel a breakdown, be in expectation of your breakthrough.

- Resk 'Que